soviet artwork Blog Posts

Rivne Bus Station

Rivne Bus Station

Large stained glass panel art inside the waiting room of the bus station in Rivne, western Ukraine. Soviet-era artwork in the former USSR.

Monument to Vladimir Lenin

Monument to Vladimir Lenin

The outline of a former Monument to Vladimir Lenin near the railway station in Tiraspol, Transnistria. Soviet-era monument in the former USSR.

“The Legend of Chisinau”

“The Legend of Chisinau”

Mosaic “The Legend of Chisinau” in Chisinau, Moldova. Completed in 1973 by artist, Mikhail Burya. Soviet-era artwork in the former USSR.

Alexei Stârcea School of Arts

Alexei Stârcea School of Arts

Mosaic on the side of the Alexei Stârcea School of Arts in Chisinau, Moldova. Completed 1977 by artist, A. Nascu. Soviet-era artwork in the former USSR.

Unknown Building

Unknown Building

Bas-relief on the side of an unknown building in Ochamchire, a southern town in the defacto republic of Abkhazia. Soviet-era artwork in the former USSR.

Restaurant “Adjara”

Restaurant “Adjara”

Mosaic on the side of Restaurant “Adjara” in Novy Afon (New Athos), Abkhazia by artist, Zurab Tsereteli. Soviet-era artwork in the former USSR.

