former Eastern Bloc Blog Posts

Nova Scena 

Nova Scena 

Nova Scena (New Stage of the National Theatre) in Prague, Czech Republic. Modernist, Communist-era architecture in the former Eastern Bloc.

Staroměstská Metro Station

Staroměstská Metro Station

Staroměstská Metro Station in Prague, Czech Republic. Completed in 1978. Communist-era panel art in the former Eastern Bloc.

Hotel Pyramida

Hotel Pyramida

Hotel Pyramida in Prague, Czech Republic. Constructed between 1979 and 1987. Communist-era architecture in the former Eastern Bloc.

Soviet Military Cemetery

Soviet Military Cemetery

Soviet Military Cemetery in Warsaw, Poland. Completed in 1950. Communist-era memorial in the former Eastern Bloc.

Nation’s Heroes Memorial

Nation’s Heroes Memorial

Nation’s Heroes Memorial in Bucharest, Romania. Completed in 1963. Socialist-era memorial in the former Eastern Bloc.

Former Cinema Central

Former Cinema Central

Former Cinema Central in Brăila, Romania. Completed in the 1980s. Modernist, Socialist-era architecture in the former Eastern Bloc.

